By Yeshiyah
with information
passed down by Howshua Amariel
is the Amariel family? We are the
descendants of Ephraim son of Joseph, the son of Israel, whom was given by Jacob the birthright of the
firstborn and the blessing. Because
Reuben had defiled his father's bed Ephraim was made as a son of Israel (Gen. 48:13-22 all scriptures used are referring
to translated version of the Hebrew text, THIS REPORT: The Hebrew/Phoenician
History Called the Bible) and the first prophesied to hear the word of
Yahweh (Jer. 31:9-10). Ephraim [In
his day his uncle Zebulon was said to be first to make a boat with a sail.
(The Testaments of Zebulon Ch.6:1-4)], was
the father of Tahan the father of Ladan the father of Ammihad the
father of Elishama (first prince in the family of Ephraim) the father of
Nun the father of Joshua (Prince of the tribe of Ephraim and
teacher appointed as a minister to teach the people the report that they may
get grace and would know Jah and what to do in the hour she come to the people
EX 32:32 - 33:12, NUM 11:28) the father of Ahazet (DESISTED IN HOUSE YOU
CALL TODAY JERUSALEM) the father of Gezer [which at this time the spirit
came upon Jahdai the son of Gazez son of Judah to go out and fulfill the whole
of the purpose of the children of Israel to become a nation of priests (Ex 19:6)
unto the world and taking the Torah to the nations to teach them that none
other of the children of Israel had did until him. Therefore, he started in Yemen where many believed and from there he went west unto
the borders of Egypt and afterward unto the land of Israel. After the
priest Meraioh son of Zerahiah, who was also called Arna (father of the Basena),
saw the success of Jahdai they both traveled together into the north to Aram (where few believed) and further on to the city of Nineveh of Asshur (Assyria). They taught so much that the entire nation of
Asshur believed him. He ended his
travels in Gomer and it became that all that had believed in his sayings were
known as Jahdai (Jews), which meant to them the true spiritual children of
Abraham. And also they became known for
their love for one another. They
followed the sacred order of genealogy of the mother and most of all exalted the
name of HaShem (Eli the son) yet not the name Yahweh (the mother) or Allah (the
father). However, it was for this reason
that the movement was rejected by most of the sons of Israel. Though, it
was mostly out of jealousy (De:32:21: They have
moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger
with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not
a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.) because they
saw that the Jews were spreading the Torah throughout the nations, which was
the appointed job of the children of Israel.
But the children of Israel followed after the philosophy of Joab son of Seraiah son of Judah that took from among the nation's slaves rather than
teach him (1chr 2:51-55). Though, they were warned by Solomona (Salma) the son of Nahshon that the actions of Joab would bring about the
destruction on the people of Israel] the father of Shechem (shepherd or
chief, of sons of Ephraim and dwelled by Manasse) the father of Shiphtan
the father of Kemuel (last prince of the family appointed in Joshua
time) the father of Dekar [In his day David resettled all the Edomites (Amalek)
in the land of Israel to the land of Aram.
(2sam: 8:13-14, 1chr: 18:12-13) From
there they became kings in the land (1kings 11:14-25) mixed among the people and grew (2kings 6:23-24).
Henceforth they spread among the nations of the Chaldeans, Ammonites,
Moabites, and as far as to Egypt under the name of the people of Gadd (2sam:
8:12, 1chr 18:11) ] the father of Hur (made head or judge or captain of the end
of the mountain of Ephraim by Solomon 480 year from the time Joshua came from
Mirza). At this time the children of
Israel had shipping trading outposts all around the lands of Shem, Ham and
Japhath that had form into cities of
mixed people . Also according to the
Greek writer Strabo the land of Judaea 'was inhabited by mixed races', by Egyptian, Arabic,
and Hebrew/Phoenicians. However, they
were forbidden to mix with the people of the land of Canaan.
They were also
the greatest colonizers of the Ancient World that made colonies in Asia from Kai-Feng
and Chin-Kiang down to Hang Chow to Canton (where in 338 B.C. the ancient
Chinese book 'The classics fo Shan Hai' mentions a great fierce black people
who used a strange weapon.) From there down
to the Philippians and South Australia (At the mouth of the Glenely River there
are human figures resembling Phoenician/Hebrew seafarers garbed in clothing
which includes a peculiar cap worn by these people in biblical times. Plus, Rex Gilroy found a similar carving near
Murgon, Qld, in 1977), and up to the Malay Peninsula
(settling also along the Black Sea) over to India in 1000-900 B.C. in
Mappillas, Cochin, Musiris and Suppara or Sophir in 1000 B.C. on the Konkan
coast. Main Harbor cities along the Gulf of Aden & the Red Sea in Yemen and up to Ezion-geber, (known to be one of the harbors
for Solomon's ships 1Ki:9:26). Then, pass the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aden over to Africa at Somaliland to Wasambara (known to have Israelite traces) far down to Great
Zimbabwe (with the gold mines of Ophir).
Solomon also setup navy harbors in Israel in Joppa (Jon: 1:3), Sidon (Ge: 49:13), and Gebal (known to the Greeks as Byblos) and with Hiram (2Ch:9:21) use ships to build colonies on the Mediterranean in Cyprus, and Rhodes Sicily and in Europe in Greece, and upward to Mount Bego and Tende (on the border between France and Italy). Afterward going on to Spain where they founded the cities of Cadiz and Cagliari in Sardinia. In North Africa established Barca Cyrenaica in 640 B.C., Leptis in
800 B.C (originally a great Sidonian colony between the two Syrtes,
certainly promoted the establishment of Israelite trade colony as Solomon did
in other colonies.) and Carthage. From Mogador then traveled to the Canary
Isles to Senegambia to the Ashanti and Dahomey
were the tribe of Zebulon, Naphtali and Gad had a trading outpost
(500B.C) to San Thome down to Mavumbu and to Loanda. During these days Nahana (believed brother of
Zedekiah 1ki 22:11) son Canaan ship was taken off course and brought to the land we called substitute
(today called South America). There he places
a stone that recorded his journey as follows:

He then returned to the land of Israel and reported the newly
Solomon's seal in so called
'Phoenician' garments.
''Nahana son Canaan from-Zidon from-the-ward the-king
trade the-hurl I-elm as-proud law-you land mountain Manasse'th-you choose
of-mosthigh and-slumber and-mosthigh and-liquid in-year-you nine-you
and-ten-you of-Hiram king has-I perish and-flow are-from-time and-has-strong
in-sea join and-has-go people whither-whom ten-you and-has-be's in-sea
as-new'ing complete whole surround of-land of-Ham and-has-separate from-knew
in-on and-of-whither'ed ye connect repetition'ing in-tent-from whole juicy-is
from-complete has-three you-blow came alike room secure and-man-you ten-you
perish country substitute haul-as shall from-travel-as and liquid encamp has-I"
He then returned to the land of Israel and reported the newly discovered place to
Solomon. King Solomon heard of the new
world and started a campaign to settle the land. So he gathered people, women in general (1ki
11:1), by using Tarshish (England) (1Ki 10:22) to gather them from all of the
Northern lands (the Vikings, the Carians, Etruscans,
and the Ashkenazi or Anasazi) in Africa (the Egyptians) and India as far as
China near Xi'an, home of the Terra-cotta Warriors (called themselves Xi of the tribes of Shabazz
and Shabti) and from all races of people to build country of one people united
from all people( A Jewish nation). And
they were called the sea people (1ki 9: 27-28), because they were last seen sailing into the sea. However to the world were known as the Nahuatl
people. One sign of this new people was
that their families' lineages were traced through the women and not the men. They believed that the women were the law
givers and men the law enforcers and that the woman was the divine guide placed
over the family and the nation. In this
people the culture of the children of Israel has been preserved until this day. We were called by
the peoples of the lands that we gathered them from the Phoenicians.

One confirmation of this is
a book entitled 'The Shadow of Atlantis' which states, "The Phoenicians
populated their numerous colonies with the refugees, who supplied them with
cheap labor. The legends tell how the
Trojan princess, Dido, founded Carthage and other refugees helped to started colonies in Spain and Southern
France in a similar
way. But it is now becoming clear that
some emigrants from the Archipelago and Asia Minor emigrated even beyond the Mediterranean shores
and that the Phoenicians triremes carried many of them to America." "When Alvares Cabral
landed on the spot where now stands the Brazilian capital, he met there Guarani Indians: they called this region 'Carioca.' The
word 'oca' signifies in Guarani
'home, abode' and resembles the Greek word oika,
which has the same significance. The Guarani word 'cari' means 'white
men' and thus the whole expression 'Carioca' signifies 'the abode of white
men.' Such an etymology proves that at
one time the region round Rio de Janeiro was inhabited by white new-comers."
The earlier-mentioned
Phoenician inscription on the nearby rock of Havea
allows us to understand that the Phoenician did transport people to this
region. "Diodorus,
recording the rescue of the Trojan refugees by their ancient allies the
Phoenicians, adds that these refugees often gave the name of their mother-city
Troy to their new settlements. In the
light of this it is most significant that Brazil possesses a locality named Tutoya. This village is situated in the mouth of the
river Parnahyba and the traditions of the natives
affirm that it is the oldest settlement in Brazil." "The Brazilian scientists trace in their country
two more cities that were probably founded by Phoenicians and emigrants from
other countries in the Carian Union: they are the present Turos
in the state of Rio
Grande do Norte
and Torre in the state of Bahia. We can still
hear the prefix 'toor' in both names and many
Phoenician inscriptions have been found in the surroundings of Torre."
Professor Schwennhagen gives a similar explanation to He believes
"that these new-comers to Brazil meant by
'Great Ion' (Mara Ion) the country of their origin,
i.e. the Ionian islands. Caru-Taperu, the name of a locality on the island of Marajo, again reminds us of the Carians: some years ago there were found prehistoric cyclopic ruins, which some scientists consider Etruscan,
and others, Carian. The reader probably
remembers the already-mentioned discoveries in Marajo of ancient pottery resembling much the Etruscan
style, and also of Etruscan and Carian inscriptions." The Brazilian Philologist E.O. de Thoron affirms that the Quichua
tongue has a great deal of resemblance with old Egyptian, Greek, and even
Hindustani. The book 'The Shadow of
Atlantis' also corroborates this as follows: "In the cavern of Teyucare ('The Dragon's Grotto'), on the shores of the
upper Parana, one can see signs, resembling Egyptian hieroglyphs, which resemble
certain Cyphers of the Mayas and the mysterious ideograms of the Paraguayan
cinerary urns. On one mound in Yariguaa were discovered stones with
inscriptions resembling the old Egyptian hieroglyphs and the enigmatical
texts found in the Amazonian forests.
The well-known South American ethnologist, Dr. M. Bertoni,
affirms that at least one-half of the Yariguaa
hieroglyphs is identical with the old Egyptian
One scholar reconfirmed in
his writings that "We have to admit that hundreds of thousands of normal
Israelites are part of this ancient Semitic culture infusion. We have to recognize that so far as the
Israelite is concerned such infusion probably began as early as the days when
'Dan was a protégé on alien ships' when pressed by hinterland enemies, and
'Asher clung to the seacoast, and dwelt in his harbors' "

'The Lost Tribes A Myth- Suggestions
Towards Rewriting Hebrew History' written in the early 1974 by Allen H.
Godbey states that "No one country can
contain the whole Jewish nation… they account those regions which have been
occupied by their fathers, and grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, and still
more remote ancestors in which have been born and brought up, as their
country. And there are even some regions
to which they came the very moment that they were originally settled, sending a
colony of their people to do a pleasure to the founders of the colony."
The Phoenicians, who were these
people they say? Their history books give us only a glimpse of who they say we
were. Pamela Odijk in her book "THE PHOENICIAN" on pg. 45 mentions some famous
Phoenicians: Hanno was a Carthaginian who led an expedition by sea to northwest
Africa in about 425 BC He set out with
60 ships and 30,000 people, and founded five cities including Carian Fortress,
Acra and Cerne. He is thought to have reached the Cameroons. Hanno
was searching for gold along the African coast. An account of his voyage was
written on a stele in the temple of Baal
Hammon, at Carthage. Our
knowledge of his voyage is based on a Greek version of Hannon's account in a manuscript
called 'The Periplus of Hannon'. Himilco sailed from Carthage in
about 450 BC along the coast of Spain and France, and
reached Britain and Ireland. His
intention was to gain access to the tin deposits at Cornwall.
Himlico was the son of Hanno who commanded the army against the Greeks in 466
to 405 BC; Hannibal was a Carthaginian who led armies against the Romans during
the Second Punic War from 218 to 201 BC He had become chief at the age of 26. When the Romans declared
war, Hannibal, with
40,000 men and a number of elephants, crossed the Pyrenees, and
trooped across the Alps and into northern Italy. He
soundly defeated the Romans in 217 BC and again the following year, even though
his army was poorly supplied from Carthage. When Rome
attacked Carthage, Hannibal was
ordered to leave Italy and
return to Carthage. He
eventually had to flee from Carthage also.
He finally died in 183 BC; Himilcar Barca commanded the Carthage forces
during the last two years of the first Punic War of 264 to 246 BC He captured
and held Mt. Ercte against
the Roman and from here launched attacks against Sicily and Italy. He
then held Mt. Eryx for the
Carthaginians. Hamilcar was responsible for the treaty with the Romans that
ended the war. Hamilcar was the father of Hannibal; Hiram was a Phoenician king
who ruled Zur, not Tyre (2sam 5:11), from 969 to936 BC He was on friendly terms
with King David and supplied him with building materials for his palace, and
King Solomon, David's son with materials and craftsmen to build his famous
Temple at Jerusalem and his palace.
Still, who did they say are the
Phoenicians and what were their real name? Donald Harden in his book "The Phoenicians,
Ancient People and Places "(pg.21,22) states, "They
did not invent this name themselves. It seems to have been given to them by the
Greeks, presumably the Mycenaean, who came into trading contact with them in
the later second millennium. At first it was no doubt used for all the people
who lived in Canaan. Later it would be
confined to those who lived in the coastal belt. The word 'Phoenician' is first
found in Homer's writing (singular - phoenix, plural - phoenixes) and appears
to denote originally a dark red or purple or brown color, whence it was
transferred both to date palm and the brown skin of the people. The people we
called the Phoenicians were not differentiated from the several mass of
Canaanites until somewhere during the later half of the second millennium BC
when they reached their zenith and began to spread their stock by colonization
throughout the Mediterranean and
beyond." In Fenici's book "The Phoenicians", he states on pg. 62 and 63 that
"The Kerethi, Pelethi and the sea people did not bring equal benefits to all
the towns on the Lebanese coast. It was detrimental to Byblos at
first. She forfeited her position as the leading trading center and had to look
on while the younger towns of Tyre and Sidon over
took her and became the leading cities of the New Phoenicia. Neighboring people
now spoke of Sidonians and Tyrians instead of Giblites, as hither to, when they
meant Phoenicians." On pg. 62, Fenici states that the "New arrival were the
descendants of the poor Sinai Bedouins, of the relations of Abraham the
children of Israel, and some northern barbarians who some historians believe
came from Denmark and should therefore really be called, "North" sea people.
Together with the succession of the Homeric heroes, they became forged into the
Phoenician people". Pamela Odijk states in her book, "The Phoenicians" pg. 9
that "The Phoenicians occupied the land that is called Lebanon today
and parts of Syria and Israel. The
ancient name for this area was Canaan
(Kenaan) and they called themselves Canaanite or Kenaani. In Hebrew the word
Kena" ani meant "merchant". This describes the Phoenicians well she said. And
she speaks of Sidon on pg.
44 stating "Sidon was an
ancient Phoenician city found in the third millennium BC Sidon was
famous for its purple dye and glassware. Along with Aradus, Byblos, Tyre and
Akka, Sidon was one
of the great cities of the Phoenicians and it is thought that Sidon was the
leading city until the tenth century. Homer and the Bible both use the word
Sidonians to mean Phoenicians." Base upon the scriptures the word Phenice
appear in the bible 4 times. Acts 11:19 speaks
of Hebrews as being in the area of Phenice. Acts 15:3; Phenice is an area like Samaria and Galilee in the land of Israel. Act
21:2; Phoenicia is near
the land of Syria, and
Acts 27:12; Crete is right before Phenice. Tyre
according to Joshua 19:27 was a border city of Israel. Luke 6:17 states that Tyre was on
the sea coast of the land of Israel and
that Hebrews lived there. In the book of Jasher Ch. 90:43 and Gen. 49:13 states
that Sidon was a
city of Zebulon.
Matthew 10:41 and Gen.46:10, Mark 3:8 both records a Hebrew named Simeon as
being called a Canaanite, verifying that some Hebrews were also called
Canaanites as the Phoenicians were sometimes referred to.
How did the Phoenicians look and dress? In
the book, The Africans Discover Africa on pg. 39 it states that "they were a
brown skinned people". Donald Harden earlier states that "they were a brown
skinned people". In the book, Ancient Civilization: The Near East and Mesoam by
Lambery-Karlovsky, C. on pg. 70. they state that they were a dark skinned Semitic
people like the Israelites, who spoke a language akin to Hebrew" and in the
book The Sea Traders by Edey, Maitland states, " There are careful pictures by
Assyrians (the part of the gates erected
at Balawat by Shalmaneser III the king of Assyria shows the Phoenicians leading
tribute-bearers dressed in the same garments as Solomon is depicted on his
Seal, also with long hair and beards) and Egyptians depicting Phoenicians, but
they usually portray important persons: trading emissaries tribute-bearers,
high-ranking captives. All wore long dress-like garments, thickly embroidered
and usually secured by wide belts. Although museums contain a considerable
number of small female statuettes, clay models and ivory carving made by
Phoenicians, most are believed to be goddesses. We can surmise that Phoenician
men were bearded. They wore their, hair long and rather elaborately curled.
Jewelry was abundant which included finger rings, bracelets, earrings,
necklaces both beaded and made of metal links and pendants of all sorts,
including the flat, circular or oval plates known as plastrons (breast plates) . Displayed on the breast, plastrons were supported by
fine necklace chains and decorated with enamel, jewels or delicately incised
designs." In Pamela Odijk book she states on pg.19" Sculptures have been found
that show men wearing belted pleated skirts ornamented on the front with two
large uraei claps. Large necklaces or pendants of a sovereign or god were worn
by men. Other sculptures show men in loin clothes (short skirts) and
tight-fitting tunics reaching to the ankles. Men are shown on tiles and
frescoes wearing multi-colored clothes with embroidered borders. Conical-shaped
caps seem to have been worn by most men, who seem to have preferred long hair
and beards". In reference to this, the bible in three places refers to some
Israelites as being black. Song of Solomon ch.1:5, Jeremiah 8:21, and Lamentations 5:10, Leviticus 19:29, II Samuel
10:4-5, II Samuel 14:26 shows here the cultural significance of the hair and
beard to Hebrew people. Exodus 28:22-30 and Numbers 15:38 speak of the
importance of the breastplates and fringes among the children of Israel in
reference to identification.
Now historically the Phoenicians have been
depicted as merchants, seafarers, explorers and colonizers. Herodotus and other
historians wrote that they circumvented the African continent; traveled to the British
Isles and that they sailed to the North American continent
long before Columbus and
other voyagers. They are known to have colonized numerous cities throughout the
Mediterranean, in Spain, on the
coast of Africa and other areas. Harden
writes.......`` the Phoenicians always sought similar sites in the Mediterranean
such as Cadiz in Spain, Valletta in Malta, Bizerta in Tunisia, Cagliari in
Sardinia, Palermo in Sicily". Odijk states, "Although the total number of
Phoenician colonies is not known, it is thought to have been at least fifty.
Some of these colonies developed into great cities, such as Carthage,
located on the northern coast of Africa, which
became a powerful trading center in its own right. On the internet HTTP://WWW.MAT.COM "The Search For The Lost
Tribes ", by Steve Jones it states; "Cecil Rhodes and others maintained that
the Phoenicians founded Great Zimbabwe in South Africa" (Which also the Lemba
people said that they had built Great Zimbabwe, who just recently have been
proven through DNA testing, to be the children of Aaron the high priest of the
children of Israel). They were also said
to have journeyed to America. In the
history book " History and Life, The World and Its People " , written by T.
Walker Wallbank, Arnold Schrier, Donna Maier-Weaver, and Patricia Guiterrez it
states that " The most resent theory is that Phoenicians, who are known to have
traveled to Spain and Britain in the 600's B.C., established a colony in North
America". The evidence is inscriptions discovered in the state of Iowa. 1. A
collection of 400 graves markers found near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2.A site in Tennessee known
as Bat Creek cave where an inscription that has been found which mentions the administration
of Jehua. 3.A stone discovered in the area of Los
Lunas, Mexico which
has the Ten Commandments on it. And 4 Inscriptions found in the nation of Brazil all
written in Phoenician/Hebrew. In response to this Zebulon the father of the new
Sidonian was said to be first to make a boat with a sail. The Testaments of
Zebulon Ch.6:1-4, Genesis Ch.49:13. Israel had a
navy and worked with the King of Tyre in bringing gold from Tarshish and other
places. Judges 5:17, I Kings 9:26-28, II Chronicles 20:35-37. Hebrews sailed to America long
before Columbus. The
History of the Rechabites Ch.8:1-6, 11:1-8, and The
Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 18:23, 2
Nephi 10:19-22, Omni Ch1:15.
The Phoenician Cities and
Architecture, "Assyrian writing has revealed Phoenician cities to us, writes
Odijk (pg. 28, 37) describing them as surrounded by walls with turrets and
battlements. Relief of Sennacherib depicts a Phoenician town with walls and
two-story houses"...., they commonly surrounded the town with a large fortified
wall. The top story has windows with balustrades and miniature palm-shaped
columns". On (pg.24) she states, "Each Phoenician city was independent and was
governed by its own king. Kings were assisted by a council of ancients (elders)
who often made decisions if the king was absent" . She
also writes that, "Priests had administrative duties as well as religious
duties, and some priests also had duties such as chief priest of shepherds
which meant they looked after temple flocks". According to Odijk (pg. 9, 11, 14)
"......., the Phoenicians grew wheat, olives, vines, and fruit trees,
especially figs and sycamores. Palms grew abundantly. Flax was cultivated. The
hillsides were terraced and irrigated. Phoenician engineers built dams and
bridges, using huge block of stone". "The most common domesticated animals were
donkeys, oxen, sheep, and goats. Carvings show that the Phoenicians tilled the
lands with a simple plow drawn by oxen. Fish was a main source of protein in
the people's diet. Many animals, including elephants, were raised in the
Phoenician city of Carthage in North Africa". No
parts of temple remain in what used to be Phoenicia..., on
pg.28.She writes "The writings of the historian Herodotus describe some
Phoenician temples, and the pictures of some temples appear on coins. On
(pg.20) she states "Open-air and closed temples were built. Temples were
considered to be places where the gods dwelled. Each temple had a porch, a
chaple and a betyl, and the altar was the most holy place. There was usually a
sacred fountain or bowl. A chief priest and other priests carried out religious
ceremonies." Harden (pg.91) writes, "a Phoenician sanctuary of the same type
which was in use in the tenth and the fifth /forth centuries B.C. has recently
been found in Plain of Sharon. The
method of dressing and laying the large stones of the walls of these buildings,
together with their general plan, sufficiently indicates Phoenician influence".
He also relates (pg.91) that "the temple found in area H at Hazor shows the
same triple form with the porch somewhat narrower than the rest. There are
three wings. Two round pillar-bases of basalt stood in the porch on either side
of the entrance to the main hall. This may be compared with a less
well-preserved temple of similar plan found by Wolley in the thirteenth/century
temple at Tell Tayanat in Syria, which
has the same structure, but no side chambers. There can be no doubt that
similar buildings existed in most, if not all, Phoenician cities. They would
usually be surrounded with an open court". Harden (pg.90) writes "The scanty
remains of Phoenician temples that we possess are very informative". Our comment on this is that the Sanctuaries
of the Israelites came from the pattern God gave Moses and David on how to
build them; Exodus 25:8-9 and I Chronicles 28:11-12. The Hebrews had two kinds
of priests, The High Priests of just the Sons of Aaron and the priest of the rest
of the tribe of Levi. They were given walled cities that they completely
controlled. Leviticus 21:10, Numbers 35:3-7, and Deuteronomy 24:8. David was
the king of Hebron before
he became king of all Israel and the
70 Elders counseled the king. 2 Samuel 3:19-22 and Exodus 24:1 Israel had a
land of wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olives and honey; Number
18:12, Deuteronomy 8:8.
"Historians and archaeologists have had
difficulty finding out about Phoenician religion. Only a few writings have been
found, and most of these are only fragments". However "El (According to Godfrey
Higgins Anacalypisis Book on pg . 67 written in 1836,
Robert Young, LL.D analytical concordance to the Bible on pg. 3 written in 1879
and Strong's Exhaustive concordance of the Bible on pg.12 written in 1890 the
word EL denotes the name Allah) was the father of their gods...", writes Odijk
on ( pg 20). Harden reveals that there are" ... many Egyptian deities
represented among the amulets and figurines found on the Phoenician sites...". "The most frequent of all is Be's the dwarf demi-god, who
seems to have been particularly popular with the Phoenicians". Moscati states
on ( pg. 32) that the third god of Byblos,
Adonis, is only given this name by the Greek authors. The name, however, is
obviously Semitic - adon "master", and the pronominal suffix -i "my master" and that the direct sources of information
about Phoenician religion are the numerous inscriptions from Phoenician cities.
The nature of these inscriptions, however, as well as their brevity, tends to
limit the data solely to the names of deities: they tell us little about
the cults and religious life, and
nothing about mythology". Based upon the scriptures the word Eli is one of the
names used for, The Most High; Genesis 33:20 and Mark 15:34. "Be or Being" is
the way The Septuagint Version by Samuel Bagster and Sons and The Holy Name
Bible by A.B. Traina translates at Exodus
3:14 the name Yahwah. The word Adonis is a word the Hebrews used for
Lord or Master; Joshua 10:13, Judges 1: 4-7. But in this book(the
bible so-called) it is made very clear
to you the order of these three . That is Allah (j e la ) the god beyond you ,Yahwah (e ve j )
the god with you and Eli (i la ) the god
in you , all three are one . Ashtar also called Astarte, Ashtart and Ashtoret
is mother earth or the spirit of the earth who's chief resting place is mount Zion
and the latest but not least spirits revealed in this book is El spirit of the
heaven, all apart of the family of God.
But all these things pale before their
highest and most enduring memorial, (the alphabet), "writes Harden (pg. 20),"
This is where they impinge most strongly on all subsequent civilization of old
World origin. All Indo-European and Semitic tongues- indeed all subsequent
alphabetic scripts- have employed the medium invented by the Phoenicians and
rapidly adopted by many other nations round about them including the Greeks."
Odijk (pg. 25) writes, "This alphabet was taught to people with whom the
Phoenicians traded, including the Greeks". "The first known writing systems (Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley) go
back no further than 6,000 B.C. at the earliest, their actual beginnings is
unknown. Probably all these early writing systems arose from a single source",
(Ency. Brit. vol. 13, pg.702). On the internet Http//phoenician.com "Phoenician
Alphabet" by Ulysse states" the oldest of attested Semitic languages, Akkadian,
was the vehicle of a great ancient literature written in a logosyllabic
cuneiform writing system of Sumerian origin . Although
the Phoenicians used cuneiform (Mesopotamian writing), they also produced a
script of their own. The Phoenician alphabetic script of 22 letters was used at
Byblos as
early as the 15th century B.C. This method of writing, later adopted by the
Greeks, is the ancestor of the modern Roman alphabet. It was the Phoenicians'
most remarkable and distinctive contribution to arts and civilization. When the
Phoenicians who came with Cadmus-among whom were the Gephyraei-introduced into
Greece, after their settlement in the country, a number of accomplishments, of which the most important
was writing, an art till then, I think, unknown to the Greeks. At first they
used the same characters as all the other Phoenicians, but as time went on, and
they changed their language, they also changed the shape of their letters. At
that period most of the Greeks in the neighborhood were Ionians; they were
taught these letters by the Phoenicians and adopted them, with a few
alterations, for their own use, continuing to refer to them as the Phoenician
characters-as was only right, as the Phoenicians had introduced them". In
reference to this we said that The Commandments were written with the finger of
God and given to Moses to teach the people. Exodus Ch. 32:15-16, Deuteronomy Ch. 9:10, 10:4.
God had a writing that only very few could read. Daniel ch. 5:5-17, Mormon 9:32-34. Jesus taught us the proper
way that we should learn the Iberian (OBR) alphabet to get the correct
sounds. [The book of
Joseph (the high priest called Caiaphas) (Ch. 10:1-12); and 'The Gospel of
Thomas' Ch. 6:5-12].
Here are some Phoenician/Hebrew artifacts
discovered over the past two hundred years and from the Hebrew/Phoenician
symbols and writings on numerous artifices
discovered in these areas shows that the early Hebrews and the Phoenicians
utilized the same writing system. One of the first Phoenician/Hebrew artifices
found that substantiate this is called the stele of Meshe, King of Moab. A
stone of black basalt was discovered in 1868 in Dhiban, north of the River
Amman in Jordan. It
mentions the Tribe of Gad , the House of Israel and
the Name of Yahwah. It was later said to have been broken up by Bedouins and is
now at the Louvre in Paris. Second
in 1880 a rock which is called the Siloam Inscription was found. It had the
same general writing as the Moabite stone. Third in 1926 a part of a coex
limestone sale in which insented a slab of fine graind dark limestone bearing
recording of seventeen of ministers written in Phoenician/Hebrew with the
standard of the tribe of Issachar (a star and crescent moon) as verified by the
design of the magnificent mosaics of The
Twelve Tribes of Israel by DR. Joseph Young of Los Angeles California , based
upon two years of research by Rabbi Sol Rosenberg of Eden Memorial Park, San
Fernando, California and he also mentions that they of the tribe of Issachar
Became the Religious teachers of Israel, as this stele indicate along with the
limestone inscription of Eshmunhalas son of Yittenmilk, limestone obelisk found
at Salammbo, Carthage, Hanan seal, Azriel seal, Amos seal, and the Hanna seal. The
balance which is the standard for the tribe of Dan is seen on the, Tunisian Tombstone
. An incantation Tablet found in North Syria with a
wolf devouring the evil demons which is the standard for the tribe of Benjamin.
And an ax with a wolf design on it has also been found. The seal of Asaniel and
Shema both having the lion on them with is the standard for the tribe of Judah. A seal
belonging to Tanacha son of Miknemelech found at Bayhdad with a unicorn on it
with is the symbol for the Tribe of Joseph. The Seal of a Jeremiah with a deer
on it, the standard of the tribe of Naphtali and last but not lest a symbol of
a ship found near never Sidon said to
be the symbol for the Phoenicians but also is the standard for the tribe of Zebulon,
all written Phoenician/Hebrew. 1935 two artifacts, an inscribed bowl, and
letters were discovered at the site said to be the biblical Lachish. Also
found were eighteen ostraca inscribed in Phoenician/Hebrew. In 1938 three more
were found in a burnt straum, thought to represent the last days of the kingdom
prior to the destruction of the city by the Babylonian invasion. The language
again is Phoenician/Hebrew reminiscent of the writing style from Moses to
Jeremiah. Fourth in the spring of 1947 the most famous of all the manuscripts
were found in a cave near the Dead Sea by a
herdsman searching for a lost goat. They were not closely examined until 1949
by G.L. Harding and R. Devaux. From the excavations carried out from 1951 to
1956 were discovered about thirty caves in the area which were revealed traces
of use in antiquity. In ten of them more manuscripts were found hidden, some of
which were of considerable length. When all these things were revealed,
scholars suggested that this place was an administrative center or the place of
assembly of the remains of a community that lived scattered about the area
until it was destroyed by the Roman troops in A.D. 68. This destruction
occurred during thee first Hebrew/Phoenician war between 66 and 70 A.D. The
many writings discovered there are called the Dead Sea Scrolls which consisted
of hundreds of artifacts, seals, and stones written in the Phoenician /Hebrew
script. In 1960 and 1970 two inscriptions call khirbetelkon and kuntillet Ajrud
stone (the hand of God) were discovery. One in the Desert of Sinai, the
other near Hebron both
written in Phoenician /Hebrew, speaking of Yahwah and Asterah. In 1966 at the
foot hills of Mount Hermon in a place today called Tel Dan, there were three
stones found written in Phoenician/Hebrew speaking of the House of David and
Hadad that is mention in the Bible at 1 Kings 15:20 The first time the house of
David seen written out side of Biblical records. Solomon seal, Ahaz seal and
Hezekiah clay impression of his seal have also been found which bears a
Phoenician Imagery that shows the symbol of the insignia of their house. Also
on Solomon seal is a picture of Solomon with a beard and long hair in Phoenician
clothing with fringes on his garment. Hundreds of other seals had been found
which bear a Phoenician symbols with the standard of the tribes of Israel or
their family insignia or both. Then in 1974 during an excavation at a site
thought to be Ebenezar, two pieces preserving the longest Hebrew/Phoenician
inscription yet was discovered. It measured 8.8 by 15 cm and contained five
lines of writing. This script was written from left to right suggesting that
ancient Hebrew could be read from right to left, from left to right and up and
down just as hieroglyphics is written and read. This is script proven evidence
that this was the writing formula that they took with them when they came out
of Egypt. From the evidence of the excavations and the
discovery of the many writings, stones, and seals, we conclude that the
Hebrew/Phoenician or Phoenician/Hebrew people are one people. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New
Mexico stone were the missing links
that prove the Bible, the Qu'ran and the Book of Mormon to be true.

from the time Joshua came from Mirza) was the father of Naneph
(In his days Jah started to provoke Israel to jealous
with the Jewish people DEU32:21,1KING16:13 ,16:26 ) the father of Rechab
[In his days all of the Edomites (Gaddi) attacked
from Aram, Chaldea, Ammon and Moab and were resettled in the land of the
children of Israel (2kings 5:2; 24:1-2).] the father of Jonadah (THE
the house of Rechab against the marry house) the father of Beer the father of Hosea (The
prophet/writer of the book HOSEA in the time of JEROBOAM son of JOASH King of ISRAEL
and UZZIAH,JOTHAM,AHAZ and HEZEEKIAH King of JUDAH around 744 BC) the father of
Jezreel (seed prophesied to take the Kingdom of ISREAL from the house of
JEHU time maybe 726 BC) and in his days the most of the house of Ephraim were
taken captive by the king Asshur in the lands of Asshur and Medai
along the river that separated the two lands (2kings 17:6). And the people
(Samaritans) who lived in those areas the king of Asshur (Assyria) offered all of the Jews of Asshur that desired to live in the land of Israel to go unto the land so that they could fulfill the
whole of the law. Yet, they no priest
but one of the sons of Aaron stood up to help them and Yahweh Allah made a
covenant of peace with them so that they became spiritual Ephraim in the land until
this day (2king 17:24-41, Isa. 19:23). the
father of Benjamin (which lived around 7O4 BC) the father of Amari
(WHICH OUR FAMILY NAME WAS TAKEN FROM) the father of Habaziniah (which
lived around 680 BC) the father of Manaiseh the father of Lehi (A
Prophet of our people at the time of JEREMIAH in 609 B.C.E the first year of
the reign of Zedekiah King of Judah from tribe of Ephraim that escaped
captivity 2 CHRO CH34;9 ) [Also in his days the Chaldeans and those of Aram (2kings
16:6) came into the land and possessed it (2kings 24:2; 25:25). Although we had a covenant of peace with Aram our brothers (Gen 31:44; 1king 30:24) And the king of Babylon made the Ashkenaz son of Gomer (Gen 10:3) marshal
over the land (Jer. 51:27).] [Also
Mordecai son of Jair son of Jahdai was made head
captain in Shushan (India). Therefore,
his story had reached all the land of Israel and the Jews of the land became very mighty and
possessed the land. However, they did
not honor the house of Yahweh Allah, but gave honor above all to the temple
mount (house of Shem) until this day.]
Lehi went down to the red
sea where a group of our people, called the Basena had
traveled south during the reign of Jeroboam son of Nebat in the tenth century
B.C. to turn a trade outpost into a colony and in 600 B.C.E troubles broke
out with the Arabs and some people return with our father Lehi to the land of Jerusalem
to get the plates of the Tanach and friends. At his return to Jerusalem they discovered that Jeremiah was put in prison (Jer.
37:15) and the people of the land sought our father's life to the point that he
was driven out of the land. Yet, Ishmael
of the house of the princes of Ephraim accompanied our father into the
wilderness with the whole of his house. This
is when our father Lehi received the plate of the tables of the law and history
of the family of Amar from Laban son of Omri son of Amar who got the birthright
but our father Habaziniah son of Amar younger brother of Omri got the blessing.
Then he again joined the Basena
and became a Chief of the tribes of Israel in Sena 1 and they called themselves Balemba or Lemba named after our brother Lemuel
(named by our father Lehi ),and the valley we also called Lemuel or Lempopo. Now I think it is necessary
to tell you want happened. The Bhuba lineage
came down from Judea as the leading lineage of the Basena when they left Judea in their early migration to the Yemen trading outposts.
They settled there and built the city Sena 1 where they were the rulers
of the two cities in Yemen, members of this lineage are found amongst all the Basena
lineages and after the leaders of the priest came from Jerusalem had arrived in Sena 1 they desired to be the head
priest. Then after crossing into Africa they build the city of Sena 2, again they divided into two groups because of
what had happened to them in Arabia with the people rising up against them they feared
to use the name of Israel because our people were being attack in all of our
colonies at the time. Our father stood
up at that time because they could not agree on which direction to take or what
to do and they listen to him because he was of the house of the princes and
because he was a prophet that foretold the destruction of Jerusalem. He suggested
to them that they used the names of the leaders that judged them (so the
tradition came that the people use the name of the leader that judged them at
the time.) And that the spirit was
leading him to go southward toward Zimbabwe and also recommended in reference
to the leadership of the priesthood that the priest of Basena should keep
charge until they arrive at a permanent home and then decide on the matter
(this lineage was the one that respected our father Aneh that called the house
of Rechab against the Marry house in the time of Joram the king of Judah and
Israel). When the people heard the words
of our father they desired to name the valley they stood in after him. Yet, he refused but recommended that the
honor be given to his son Lemuel (this was done by our father to please Lemuel
our brother that stood up against him because he wanted to honor). The people agreed and named themselves Lemba
and the valley Lemuel. Though, jealousy
rose up in the heart of a son of Ishmael who represented the house of the
prince of the tribe of Ephraim. He stood
up against our father with the priest that had come out of Jerusalem. They sought
to continue westward to the colonies of the tribes of Manasse, Zebulon, and Gad
or live with Dan in Sheba (Ethiopia) where the line of Menelik son of Solomon ruled. However, our father Lehi warned them that if
they went that way it would be painful for them. Nevertheless, they refused to hear him and so
departed going westward and eventually settled in Ethiopia among the people of Menelik son of
Solomon by Makda the Queen of Sheba and some of them
became known as the Falashas and others among them traveled on because they did
not feel welcome. So they continual west passing Shilluk, Kordofan, Darfur,
Madai, Chad, Kano, and ended their journey in Ibo land where the princes of the
tribe of Ephraim settled among the tribes of Gad, Zebulon, and Naphtali (which
were later called the Ebo or Igala
from the royal family of Gad) that traveled west during the reign of Jeroboam
son of Nebat in the tenth century B.C.
Yet the tribe of Gad felt fearful of the house of
Ephraim because the son of Ishmael desired to rule. So they asked them to leave from their
land. So left the land of Gad and came dwelt on the border of Ebo
land (later known as land of Yoruba, where they became also known as the Yoruba). However, the house of High priest went on to Koukiya,
Volta until finally settling in the land of the Ashanti. Because
they heard that Jerusalem had been destroyed and Mulek son of Zedekiah the
last king of Judah had left out of Jerusalem
and was in that land on his way west toward the land of Substitute. These people
became known as the MALANGE or MELUNGEONS people after their leader (also some
people called them Berber). But the Basena
also known as the Balemba (the house of High priest and the Levites) went down
toward the south sea to the great trading post of king Solomon mines known as Zimbabwe
or Ophir and to the house of the great Mother (Yahweh of mass) where our family
went even farther into the sea to the south of the land of Substitute colony or
land of Promise (south America) where our father joined the so called 'Olmec'
nation and became the founder of the epi-Olmec.
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